
The Ilma-model

The model

Do you feel like you are solving the same problem over and over again? Or do you have a team of talented employees, but they don’t know how to collaborate? Are the team members hardworking, but work in different directions? Are your employees motivated and happy?

Oftentimes stress is caused by unclear responsibilities, tasks or expectations; dissatisfaction is often caused by unclear communication. By making things clearer, time and energy, for creativity and productivity is released.

We can make the air at our workplace flow more freely by continuing to keep focus on the structure of how we solve our tasks, the trust we have in our selves and one another and by having knowledge of the purpose of the work we do. The result is expectations that are met and courage to bring up new ideas, as well as the satisfaction of working for something that makes sense to us. This is what I call the ilma-effect.


the ilma-model

The ilma-effect is reached when an organisation stands firmly on the following three areas:

Structure is the way and in which order tasks are solved

Trust is the foundation for working together in an optimal way

Purpose is the strategy, vision and and how we navigate towards our goal

The ilma-model creates work processes that move forward without disturbances, as well as time to reflect on how task are solved. It creates space to breathe.


The method

I work out of a holistic point of view, meaning I work with the whole human being. I believe that we learn and remember, not only with our brains, but a also with our hearts and bodies. That is why I use different tools, when creating more space, and air, at your workplace. For creating structure I use tools from my Lean Six Sigma toolbox, in order to understand the purpose of one’s work I use different brainstorming techniques, and for creating trust physical exercises in the form of conscious movement is exercised. Movement strengthens our feeling of togetherness, creates serenity and helps us remember and experience things better than through theory alone.

Each situation is unique, and therefore needs to be handled as such. In other words there is no such thing as one-size-fits all solution, when it comes to people and teams. Therefore I mix and match my tools, depending on the organisations needs.

Depending on your unique situation, I tailor make a workshop or course to meet the needs of your organisation. Removing obstacles that hinder the air and the creativity from flowing freely, is always in focus. I help make your challenges visible and give you tools to handle them.

Don’t hesitate to contact me, if I have triggered your curiosity, I am always up for a chat!